* No criminal record and good physical and mental health; Clear criminal background check, notarised.
* Foreign teachers whose mother tongue is English
* Currently looking to hire an elementary school homeroom teacher who can also teach English as an Additional Language (EAL).
* Please note that we will only consider interviewing teachers who hold either a Bachelor of Education or a Bachelor degree in any discipline +
a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE or equivalent).

Job Description :
Standard 1: Instructional Planning
The teacher plans using the school’s standards, the school’s curriculum, effective strategies, resources, and data to meet the needs of all students.
The teacher:
1.1Uses student learning data to guide planning.
1.2Plans time realistically for pacing, content mastery, and transitions.
1.3Plans for differentiated instruction.
1.4Aligns lesson objectives to the school’s curriculum and student learning needs.
1.5Develops appropriate long- and short-range plans, and adapts plans when needed.
Standard 2: Instructional Delivery
The teacher effectively engages students in learning by using a variety of instructional strategies in order to meet individual learning needs.
The teacher:
2.1Engages and maintains students in active learning.
2.2Builds upon students’ existing knowledge and skills.
2.3Differentiates instruction to meet the students’ needs.
2.4Reinforces learning goals consistently throughout the lesson.
2.5Uses a variety of effective instructional strategies including: visible thinking routines, grouping and regrouping and an inquiry cycle.
2.6Uses instructional technology to enhance student learning.
2.7Communicates clearly and checks for understanding.
Standard 3: Assessment of/for Learning
The teacher systematically gathers, analyzes, and uses all relevant data to measure student academic progress, guide instructional content and delivery methods, and provide timely feedback to both students and parents throughout the school year.
The teacher:
3.1Uses pre-assessment data to develop expectations for students, to differentiate instruction, and to document learning.
3.2Involves students in setting learning goals and monitoring their own progress.
3.3Uses a variety of assessment strategies and instruments that are valid and appropriate for the content and for the student population.
3.4Aligns student assessment with established curriculum standards and benchmarks.
3.5Uses assessment tools for both formative and summative purposes, and uses grading practices that report final mastery in relationship to content goals and objectives.
3.6Uses assessment tools for both formative and summative purposes to inform, guide, and adjust students’ learning.
3.7Gives constructive and frequent feedback to students on their learning.
3.8Provides students with assessment tools at the beginning of the unit.
Standard 4: Learning Environment
The teacher uses resources, routines, and procedures to provide a respectful, positive, safe, student-centered environment that is conducive to learning.
The teacher:
4.1Arranges the classroom to maximize learning while providing a safe environment.
4.2Establishes clear expectations, with student input, for classroom rules and procedures early in the school year, and enforces them consistently and fairly.
4.3Maximizes instructional time and minimizes disruptions.
4.4Establishes a climate of trust and teamwork by being fair, caring, respectful, and enthusiastic.
4.5Promotes cultural sensitivity.
4.6Respects students’ diversity, including language, culture, race, gender, and special needs.
4.7Actively listens and pays attention to students’ needs and responses.
4.8Maximizes instructional learning time by working with students individually as well as in small group or whole groups.
Standard 5: Professionalism
The teacher maintains a commitment to professional ethics, communicates effectively, and takes responsibility for and participates in professional growth that results in enhanced student learning.
The teacher:
5.1Collaborates and communicates effectively within the school community to promote students’ well-being and success.
5.2Adheres to school policies and ethical guidelines.
5.3Incorporates learning from professional growth opportunities into instructional practice.
5.4Sets goals for improvement of knowledge and skills.
5.5Engages in activities outside the classroom intended for school and student enhancement.
5.6Works in a collegial and collaborative manner with administrators, other school personnel, and the community.
5.7Builds positive and professional relationships with parents/guardians through frequent and effective communication concerning students’ progress.
5.8Serves as a contributing member of the school’s professional learning community through collaboration with teaching colleagues.
5.9Demonstrates consistent mastery of standard oral and written English in all communication.
Standard 6: Student Progress
The work of the teacher results in acceptable, measurable, and appropriate student academic progress.
The teacher:
6.1Sets acceptable, measurable and appropriate achievement goals for student academic progress based on baseline data.
6.2Documents the progress of each student throughout the year.
6.3Provides evidence that achievement goals have been met, including the state-provided growth measure when available as well as other multiple measures of student growth.
6.4Uses available performance outcome data to continually document and communicate student academic progress and develop interim learning targets.
How to Apply
Feel free send us your cv and introduction video to our email:
Wechat: papashostel (Suna) / gaoesoul (Esoul)
(Please mention you saw this advertisement from in Wechat request)